Salty, Sweet Shop

YaY! For tangible things that grow our hearts to know more of God’s truth and allow grace to be shared.

Here in the Salty, Sweet Shop, I would love to share with you books, tools and other sweet stuff that may just bring a smile to your face or make your life easier.

So many times we hide what we find useful as if we have something better than anyone else~ Let that never be! I want to be an open book and let you all in on my best-kept secrets. I will share those here, so check in every once in a while and see if there is anything that would make your life easier, more joyful or just a lot more fun!

A wonderful Devotional for anyone in your life! Your hubby, best friend or just for yourself

  Streams in the Desert is a great gift to grow our hearts in confidence in our God who does not forget or leave us in the desert alone!

Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts

Come Away My Beloved
My all-time favorite~ Go to devotional! Grab yours today by clicking on the link

THESE were ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ~ If interested sign up for our monthly email to be notified when they will be available next.

Email Sign up here


This comfy short sleeve shirt will be your go-to shirt for all occasions!

Click here to purchase either of these Salty,Sweet items

Tshirts ~ $22.00 +S&H


This bag is made of a deep navy canvas with white writing on the front and back.
Logo on the front and the Colossians 4:6 on the back

Tote Bags ~ $15.00 +S&H

Bri’s Bible Study you can join by purchasing this book and joining the FB group ~ Go to the Salty, Sweet Gathering FB group for more details.

Click on the link below to purchase a book.

Mom Set Free study

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